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To acquire your ZIP file set of the Turkish 'Endearments' Recordings (all with self-evident file names, so that you can tell them apart easily), just click the following PayPal icon-button, register with PayPal, and make your secure donation by international credit card or USA bank transfer. PayPal will notify us of your donation and provide us with your secure registered e-mail address. We'll then contact you, and arrange to send you the 'Endearments' voice recordings in a convenient ZIP file set -- which you may then access at your leisure... Please don't "Napsterize" or directly trade or give these recordings away to others -- we worked hard to prepare them. Instead, please direct your friends to this page -- and let them help support us too.
Acquire the enhanced set of more than ninety Turkish 'Endearments' Voice Recordings
Support Donation USD$ 9.95
The PayPal international credit card donation service is available in a growing number of countries including: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany,
Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The bank transfer service is available to any site visitor with a USA bank account.
Special Note: You must be using a 128-bit secure browser like Netscape 4.74 or IE 5.5 or above, to make secure donations...
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if you experience problems.