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LPT Symbol Your Horoscope in Turkish

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Sample Horosocope


 Only on CD...

21 Mart -- 20 Nisan
21 Mart -- 20 April

BasarInIzIn ilk sartI yeteneklerinizi sergilemektir. Sizde yetenek var ama bunu gerektigi gibi kullanamIyorsunuz.
The first condition for your success, is that your talents be displayed. You [definitely] have talent, but you are not able to use it as necessary.


 Only on CD...

21 Nisan -- 21 Mayis
21 April -- 21 May

Siz siz olun asla sorumluluktan kacmayIn. OlaylarIn üstüne gitmekte fayda var.
You, being you, never run away from responsibility. There is value in pursuing events doggedly.


 Only on CD...

22 Mayis -- 20 Haziran
22 May -- 20 June

Herkesi mükemmel olmaya zorlayamazsInIz ki. OnlarI oldgu gibi kabul etmelisiniz. Iyi sanslar.
You can't force everyone to be perfect. You must accept them as is. Good luck.


 Only on CD...

21 Haziran -- 22 Temmuz
21 June -- 22 July

Manevi degerleri gözardI edemezsiniz. Hayatta her sey para degildir. Sevgi ve saygIyI da dikkate almalIsInIz.
You don't pay sufficient attention to spiritual matters. Everything isn't money in life. You should give attention to love and respect.


 Only on CD...

23 Temmuz -- 22 Agustos 23 July -- 22 August

Sevdiginiz kimseyle tartIsmaktan kaçInIn. Çünkü sinirlersinize hakim olmayabilir, sevdiginizi üzebilirsiniz.
Avoid arguing with someone you love. You may distress a loved one, because you are unable to control your emotional balance.


 Only on CD...

23 Agustos -- 21 Eylul
23 August -- 21 September

Çok canlI ve hareketli bir hayat yasIyorsunuz. Vaktinizin çogu dIsarda geçiyor. Çok kisi imreniyor.
You are living a very lively and active life. Most of your time is spent abroad.
A lot of people desire you.


 Only on CD...

22 Eylul -- 22 Ekim
22 September -- 22 October

Yeteneklerinizi küçümsüyor, kendinizi asagIlIyorsunuz. InanIn zamanla olumsuz yönlerinizi kapatacaksInIz.
Your talents are being diminished. You yourself are bringing them down. You [must] believe that with time, you will cease your negative directions.


 Only on CD...

23 Ekim -- 21 KasIm
23 October -- 21 November

Nesenize hiç diyecek yok. Hem askta hem de iste kazanIyorsunuz. SIkIntIlarInIzIn çogunu asmIs durumdasInIz.
Your good spirits are justified (are OK! are fine!). You are winning at love and at work. You are in a position to surmount most of your distressful problems.


 Only on CD...

22 KasIm -- 21 ArIlIk
22 November -- 21 December

YakIn bir arkadasInIzla çok neseli saatler yasabilirsiniz. Ama bir kaç gün sonra yeni bir ise baslayacaksInIz.
You are able to spend some very pleasant hours with a close friend. But a few days,
later you start a new job.


 Only on CD...

22 ArIlIk -- 19 Ocak
22 December -- 19 January

sünceleri ve dugularI ifade etmenin bir yoluda hediye vermektir. Bu hediye karsI tarafI sevindirecektir.
A gift is given as a way of expressing thoughts and feelings. The gift will please the opposite person.


 Only on CD...

20 Ocak -- 19 Subat
20 January -- 19 February

Menfaatleriniz neyi gerektiriyorsa onu yapIn. BaskalarInI mutlu etmek için kendinizi harcamayIn.
Do what ever is in your favor. Don't put yourself out to make others happy.


 Only on CD...

20 Subat -- 20 Mart
20 February -- 20 March

Bu karamsarlIgInIzla yasamInIz tamamen kararbilir. Bunu sakIn aklInIzdan çIkarmayIn. HayatI sevin.
Your life can turn completely black [if you continue] with this pessimism. Beware if you don't get it out of your mind! Enjoy life.

Thanks to the Turkish daily newspaper, TAN, for the Turkish-language horoscopes and
thanks also to SuperOnline.com for the Zodiac-sign graphics...

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