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Green Village au Mer
Izmir, Turkey

Belediye BaskanlIgIna

Dear Baskan,

My name is Boswell Banditti. I've been living in Green Village au Mer on the border between Gümüldür and Özdere all year round for the past seven years.

I'm writing to make a strong complaint.

For the past four years there's been an unprofessional construction project on the Özdere side of the border -- in a small development of 9 houses (at Atatürk cadessi, 120 sokak). And the project builder (Mr. Ahmet Badbreath, from Özdere) keeps making excuses. For example, there's a whining water pump behind my house that he promised to put in proper housing 3 years ago -- in spite of that, he's still done nothing.

Recently, he has re-started noisy construction -- right in the middle of the summer season, when all construction on the seaside is supposed to be forbidden and illegal, in your municipality!

This disturbing situation has now developed into a unlawful action and I believe it is about time for you (and your office) to take some action. (So I hope that you will…)

1) Stop the illegal construction work for the remainder of the 'prohibited' summer season.

2) Tell the responsible person to fix the water pump problem -- to silence the noise.

3) Since these neglected buildings are nothing more than an invitation to crime, the municipality should tell the owner/manager to complete all the construction work at the site -- no later than May of next year.

As a citizen who is following the progress of your (good) works and municipality, I hope you will stop the inappropriate and illegal actions there...

Thank you,

Boswell Banditti
Four Country Computing

cc: Jandarma – Gümüldür
Green Village au mer -- Selected neighbors

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