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Türkçe -- ingilizce Sözlük
(Turkish -- English Dictionary)
[A] [B] [C] [Ç] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [i] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [Ö] [P] [R] [S] [S] [T] [U] [Ü]
[V] [Y] [Z]

Geographical and Political nomenclature
World regions, bodies of water, land masses, mountain ranges,
countries, nationalities, language, and politically-related names

If you don't find the geopolitical names you're after...
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and we'll add them here.
Examples, supplements, and explanations
Abhazya (Abhaz, Abhazca)Abkhazia (an Abkhazian person/thing, the Abkhazian language)A republic in northwestern Georgia, between the Black Sea (south) and the crest line of the Greater Caucasus range (north).66

In the News: 8 October 2001, UN observer helicopter shot down, killing all aboard.

Adriyatik Denizi
[or Adriya Denizi]
[the] Adriatic Sea 
Afganistan (Afgan, Pestu/Pestuca, Farsça, Özbekçe, Türkmence)
Afghanistan (an Afghan person/thing, the languages of Afghanistan [Pashtu/Pashto, Persian, Uzbek, Türkmen]) 
Aglama DuvarI
[the] Wailing Wall 

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[the] Mediterranean Sea 
akIllI bombalarI'smart' bombs 
Almanya (Alman, Almanca)

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Germany (a German person/thing, the German language)
  • Brunhilde Almanya'dandIr. Brunhilde is from Germany.
  • Hans bir Alman'dIr ve Almanca konusur, tabii. Hans is a German and, of course, he speaks German.

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[the] Alps 
Amerika Birlesik Devletleri or Amerika (AmerikalI, ingilizce/ispanyolca)

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[the] United States of America (a person/thing from the United States, the languages of the United States [English/Spanish])Often seen as the acronym ABD.
anayasa (anayasal)
[a country's] constitution (constitutional) 
And DaglarI
[the] Andes Mountain Range 
anket[a] poll,
[a] public survey
[the south polar region]
Arabistan (Arap, Arapça)

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[the] region of Arabia (an Arab person/thing, the Arabian language) 
Arap Denizi[the] Arabian Sea  
[the] Arctic
[the north polar region]
Arnavutluk (Arnavut, Arnavutça)

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Albania (an Albanian person/thing, the Albanian language) 
asker (askerlik)soldier (the military profession, military service)asker üssü;
[a] military base
vaccinationçiçek asIsI;
small pox vaccination
asIrI dincilerireligious extremists 
AtinaAthens [modern Greece] 
Atlas Okyanusu

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[the] Atlantic Ocean 
Avam KamarasI[British] House of Commons 
Avrupa (AvrupalI)

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Europe (a European person/thing) 
Avrupa Birligi [the] European UnionOften seen as the acronym AB.
Avustralya (AvustralyalI)

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Australia (an Australian person/thing) 
Avusturya (AvusturyalI, Almanca/Slovence)

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Austria (an Austrian person/thing, the languages of Austria [German/Slovenian]) 
Azerbaycan (Azeri, Azerice/Türkçe)

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Azerbaijan (an Azeri person/thing, the languages of the Azerbaijan [Azeri/Turkish]) 

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BagdatBaghdad [Iraq] 
bakan[a] minister 
Banglades (Bangladesli, Bengali)
Bangladesh (a Bangladeshi person/thing, the language of Bangladesh) 
barIspeaceNobel BarIs Ödülü;
[the] Nobel Peace Prize

In the news: 13 October 2001, the UN and Secretary General Kofi Annan jointly win the 100th Nobel Peace Prize.

Basra KörfeziSee iran Körfezi 
BasbakanPrime Minister, Premier 
Basbakan YardImcIsIDeputy Prime Minister 
BaskanPresidentBaskan George W. Bush;
President George W. Bush
Baskan YardImcIsIVice PresidentBaskan YardImcIsI Dick Cheney;
Vice President Dick Cheney
baskentcapital city 
BassavcIAttorney General 
Belcika (BelcikalI, Hollandaca, FransIzca, Flamanca, Almanca)
Belgium (a Belgian person/thing, the languages of Belgium [Dutch, French, Flemish, German]) 
Belucistan Balochistan, the western-most province of PakistanIt is bordered by Iran (west), by Afghanistan (northwest), by North-West Frontier and Punjab provinces (northeast and east), by Sindh province (southeast), and by the Arabian Sea (south).66
Beyaz Rusya
Ed. 6.0
Belarus [White Russia] 
Beyaz Saray[the] "White House" 
BeyrutBeirut [Lebanon] 
Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri (Birlesik Arap Emirliklerili, Arapça)
United Arab Emirates (a person/thing from the United Arab Emirates, the language of the United Arab Emirates [Arabic]) 
Birlesmis Milletler[the] United NationsOften seen as the acronym BM.
bitki örtüsu
biyolojik silahlarbiological weapons 
[the] Bosphorus 
Brezilya (BrezilyalI, Portekizce)

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Brazil (a Brazilian person/thing, the language of Brazil [Portuguese]) 
BrükselBrussels [Belgium] 
Bulgaristan (Bulgar, Bulgarca)Bulgaria (a Bulgarian person/thing, the Bulgarian language) 
BükresBucharest [Rumania] 
Büyük Okyanus[the] Pacific OceanSee also Pasifik Okyanusu...
Büyükelçi (Büyükelçilik)Ambassador (Embassy) 

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Calalabad or CelalabatJalalabad [Afghanistan]Formerly Jalalkot, capital of Nangarhar velayat (province), eastern Afghanistan, on the Kabul River. It lies on the route from Kabul, the Afghan capital, via the Khyber Pass to Peshawar, Pakistan, and handles much of Afghanistan's trade with Pakistan and India. The town stands at an important strategic position, commanding the entrances to the Laghman and Konar (Kunar) valleys. It is a military centre, with an airfield.66
CammuJammuAlso see entry at Kesmir.
casusspycasusluk; espionage

casus uydusu; spy satellite

[the captial city of Switzerland]
Cezayir (Cezayirli, Arapça)

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Algeria (Algerian, the language of Algeria [Arabic]) 
[also spelled Jidda, Jeddah, or Juddah]
A port city in the central Hejaz region of western Saudi Arabia. It lies along the Red Sea west of Mecca. The principal importance of Jiddah in history is that it was the site where the majority of Muslim pilgrims landed who were journeying to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.66

In the News: 12 October 2001, a picture (released today) shows ex-President Jimmy Carter meeting with one of Osama bin Ladin's brothers in Jiddah last year.

cihad or cihatjihad
[Islamic] holy struggle/war
coniPronounced as:
'Johnny' -- the word is used to refer to an American male or an American male soldier.
nükleer denizaltInuclear submarine 
President [of a republic] 
cumhuriyet (Cumhuriyetci)
[a] republic
(a member of the [American] Republican Party)

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Çanakkale BogazI

(25k bytes)

the Dardanelles
(the Hellespont)
Area map of the Dardanelles

Click to view map enlargement.
Çeçenistan (Çeçen, Çeçenci, Rusca)Chechnia or Chechnya or Chechenia (a Chechen person/thing, the languages of Chechnia [Chechen, Russian])Republic in southwestern Russia.
Çek Cumhuriyeti (Çek, Çekçe)[the] Czech Republic (a Czech person/thing, the Czech language) 
Çin (Çinli, Çince)China (a Chinese person/thing, the Chinese language)
  • Bu Çin'in haritasIdIr. This is a map of China.
  • Jackie Chan Çinlidir. Jackie Chan is Chinese.
  • Babam Çince konustu. My father spoke Chinese.
Çöl FIrtInIsI Operasyonu'Desert Storm',
the attack phase of the Gulf War...

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delilproof, evidence 
demokrasi (Demokrat, demokratik)[a] democracy (a member of the [American] Democratic Party, democratic) 
deniz kuvvetlerinaval forces 
devlet[a] state, country government 
Devlet BakanI[a] country's leader, PresidentRusya Devlet BakanI
Vladimir Putin
Russian President
Vladimir Putin
DIsisler BakanIMinister of Foreign Affairs 
Ed. 6.0
[archaic name for]
Damascus [Syria]
Damietta [Egypt] 
Dinyester NehirDniester River [Moldavia] 
Dinyeper NehirDnieper River [Ukraine] 
Diyanet isleri BakanlIgI[the Turkish] Ministry of Religious AffairsIn the News: 18 October 2001, the ministry recommends against short 'manly' haircuts or hair-coloring for women -- without the permission of their husbands...
'Milliyet' Newspaper
donanmafleet, naval force, navy 
[the] World, Planet Earth 
Dünya BankasI
[the] World Bank 
Dünya Ticaret Merkezi
[the] World Trade Center
[New York City]
Click following to see
'Black Comedy' Cartoon...

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Ebedi Adalet HarekâtI

Operation 'Infinite Justice'The original name (that caused controversy among Muslims) for Operation 'Enduring Freedom' ...
Ed. 6.0
Ege Deniz
[the] Aegean Sea 
El Cezireal Jazeera
[Qatari-based cable television station in the Persian Gulf]
TV broadcasting in Arabic -- 'must-see' TV across the entire Arab world, with over 35,000,000 'impressionable' viewers.
enflasyon inflation  
Endonezya (EndonezyalI, Bahasa Indonesia)Indonesia (an Indonesian person/thing, the Indonesian language) 
Erciyas [Erciyas, Erciyes]
Ed. 6.0
Mount Argaeus
[near Kayseri, Turkey]
Ed. 6.0
Ed. 6.0
a variation of Ürdün 
Eritre (Eritreli, Tigrince, Arapça)Eritrea (an Eritrean person/thing, the languages of Eritrea ([Tigrinya, Arabic])) 
Ermenistan (Ermeni, Ermenice)Armenia (an Armenian person/thing, the Armenian language) 
etnik grupethnic group 
  1. a province (of a country)
  2. a state (of a federal union [or republic])
Eyfel Külesi[the] Eiffel Tower 

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Fas (Fas or FaslI, Arapça)
Morocco (a Moroccan person/thing, the language of Morocco [Arabic]) 
Federal Sorusturma Bürosu [FSB]Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] 
Filipinler (Filipinli, Filipince/ingilizce)
[the] Philippine Republic or [the] Philippines
(a Philippine person/thing, the languages of the Philippine Republic [Filipino/English])
Filistin (Filistinli)Palestinian territory
([a] Palestinian person/thing)
Filistin Halk Kurtulus
Cephesi (FHKC)
; Peoples Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) -- a terrorist organization...
Fransa (FransIz, FransIzca)

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France (a French person/thing, the French language)
  • Emmanuelle Fransa'dandIr. Emmanuelle is from France.
  • De Tocqueville bir FransIz'dI. De Tocqueville was a Frenchman.
  • Siz FransIzca konusabilir misiniz? Can you speak French?
füzerocket, missile 

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GazzeGazaIt is the largest city of the Gaza Strip, in southwestern 'Palestine'. Gaza was the administrative headquarters for the Israeli military forces occupying the Gaza Strip from 1967 to 1994, at which time the Israelis began a phased withdrawal under the terms of the Israel-PLO accords.66
Genel Kurmay BaskanIChairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffABD Genel Kurmay BaskanI, Richard Meyers; USA Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Richard Meyers
[Girit AdasI]
[the island of Crete]
[Güney KIbrIs Rum Yöntemimi]
Ed. 5.5
Southern Cyprus
[under Greek influence]
görgü tanIgI[an] eye-witnessgörgü tanIklarI;
güdümlü mermi
[a] guided missile 
Güney Afrika
South Africa (the region) 
Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti (Güney AfrikalI, 9 Afrika Dili/ingilizce/
Afrikaner Dili
[the] Republic of South Africa (a South African person/thing, the languages of South Africa [9 African languages/English/
Güney Amerika
[the] South American Region 
Güney Kutbu

(25k bytes)

South Pole
[the center of the Antarctic region]
Gürcistan (Gürcü, Gürcice)
Georgia [in Kafkasya]
(a Georgian person/thing, the Georgian language)
[BM] Güvenlik Konseyi[the UN] Security Council 

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[a] map 
havale Known for centuries in the 'oriental' world as hawala -- its meaning in the original Arabic-language is 'the transfer of money [or information] between two parties using a third party'. Havale (or hawala) money transfers may be quite legitimate and/or fully traceable within well-controlled banking systems and procedures. But they are frequently made outside of the 'traditional' banking system, in markets and bazaars throughout the world -- via an underground system that is very conducive to money laundering...In fact it is one of the safest methods for money launderers [such as Osama bin Ladin] to transfer large sums of money without a trace.
See 'Why Osama bin Ladin doesn't need the traditional banking system....
hayalet uçagI'stealth' aircraft 
Hayber Geçesi
[the] Khyber Pass Khyber also spelled Khaybar, or Khaibar, most northerly and important of the passes between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The pass connects Kabil with Peshawar. 66
Hazar Denizi
[the] Caspian Sea 
  1. [military] target
  2. [political] goal
HIrvatistan (HIrvat, HIrvatça)

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Croatia (a Croatian person/thing, the Croatian language) 
Hindistan (Hint, Hintçe/ingilizce)
India (an Indian person/thing, the languages of India ['Indian'/English]) 
Hint Okyanusu [the] Indian Ocean 
HIristiyan/Hristiyan (HIristiyanlIk/HristiyanlIk) [a] Christian (Christianity)  
hücum [an] assault, charge, attack 
Hürmüz BogazI[the] Straits of Hormuz 
hükümetgovernment, administration, regime 

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moderate(s)Taliban IlImlI unsurlarI; moderate 'elements' in
the Taliban
Irak (IraklI, Arapça)Irak (an Iraqi person/thing, the language of Irak [Arabic]) 

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ikiz Küle(ler) Twin Towers --
usually refers to the
World Trade Center
[New York City]
See following
'Black Comedy' Cartoon...
'Black Comedy' Cartoon

A terrorist 'friend' asks Usame bin Ladin:
What do you say to these Twin Towers, Usame?
[Note: The ABD acronyms on the 'twin missles' indicate they are USA property.]

Thanks to 'Bülent çiziyor'
Hürriyet Gazetesi
4 October 2001

1. climate
2. region
incirlik Hava ÜssüIncirlik [military] AirbaseAirbase in southern Turkey near Adana, used by American and allied forces -- by permission of the Turkish government.
ingiltere (ingiliz, ingilizce)

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England (an English person/thing, the English language) 
intihar saldIrIsuicide attack 
iran (iranlI, Farsça)

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Iran (an Iranian person/thing, the Persian language) 
iran Körfezi[the] Persian GulfAlso known as Basra Körfezi.
Alexandria (Egypt) 
ispanya (ispanyol, ispanyolca) Spain (a Spanish person/thing, the Spanish language) 
israil (israilli, ibranice/Arapça)

(25k bytes)

Israel (an Israeli person/thing, the languages of Israel [Hebrew/Arabic]) 
istihbaratsecretly obtained information, intelligence 
isveç (isveçli, isveççe)

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Sweden (a Swedish person/thing, the Swedish language) 
isviçre (isviçreli, Almanca/FransIzca/italyanca)

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Switzerland (a Swiss person/thing, the languages of Switzerland [German/French/Italian]) 
isyan (isyancI, isyankar)uprising, rebellion
([a] rebel, rebellious)
isyan etmek
or isyan bayragInI açmak;
to rebel
is (issiz, issizlik)
work, labour, employment (unemployed, (unemployment) 
isgal[military] occupation 
italya (italyan, italyanca)Italy (an Italian person/thing, the Italian language)
  • Sofia Loren italya'da dogurdu. Sophia Loren was born in Italy.
  • O italyandIr ve kusursuz italyanca konusur. She is Italian and speaks perfect Italian.
ittifak[an] allianceittifak Devletleri;
[the] Central Powers in World War I
Also see
further information on CD

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Japonya (Japon, Japonca)
Japan (a Japanese person/thing, the language of Japan) 
jeopolitikgeopolitics, geopolitical  

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[the capital city of Afganistan]
Kafkasya (KafkasyalI)[the] Caucasus, Caucasia, Caucasian, of the Caucasus (a Caucasian person/thing) 
[the capital city of Egypt]
[el] Kaida/Kayda[al] Qaida/Qaeda Also seen as:
Kaida/Kayda [Terörist] Örgütü; The al Qaida/Qaeda [Terrorist] Organization
KalkütaCalcutta [India] 
Kamboç or Kamboçya (KamboçlI, Khmer Dili)
Cambodia (a Cambodian person/thing, the language of Cambodia) 
public opinionkamuoyu yoklasa;
public opinion poll
Kanada (KanadalI)Canada (a Canadian person/thing) 
kanIt evidence, proof 
kara kutu'black box'
[of an airplane]
Ed. 5 rev 1
[the] Black Sea  
Karayib Denizi
[the] Caribbean Sea 
[the] Caribbean Islands 
Katar (KatarlI, Arapça) Qatar (a Qatari person/thing, the language of Qatar [Arabic])It is an independent emirate on the west coast of the Persian Gulf. It occupies a desert peninsula that extends from the Arabian mainland north of eastern Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.66
Katma Deger Vergisi (KDV)Value Added Tax (VAT) 
KayalIk DaglarI
[the] Rocky Mountains  
Kazakistan (Kazak, Kazakça) [the] Republic of Kazakstan (a Kazak person/thing, the Kazak language)It is bounded on the northwest and north by Russia, on the east by China, and on the south by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and the Aral Sea; the Caspian Sea bounds Kazakstan to the southwest.66
the southern section of the state of Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir is a state in northwestern India that is part of a larger region of the same name that has been in dispute between India, Pakistan, and China since the partition of India in 1947. The Indian administered portion (Kashmir) is bounded on the west and north by the Pakistani administered portion (Jammu), on the northeast by the Chinese-held portion of Jammu and Kashmir, and on the southeast and south by the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Kashmir occupies the southern half of Jammu and Kashmir and holds three-quarters of the region's population and the majority of its arable land. Its summer capital is Srinagar, and its winter capital is Jammu.66

In the News: 2 October 2001, terriost suicide bomber attacks state assembly building killing at least 35 people.

In the News: 16 October 2001, India shells Pakastani positions -- one civilian dead, twenty-five wounded.

KIbrIs (KIbrIslI)Cyprus (a Cypriot) 
KIrgIzistan (KIrgIz, KIrgIzca) [the] Republic of Kyrgyzstan or Kirghizstan (a Kyrgyz or Kirghiz person/thing, the Kyrgyz or Kirghiz language) 
KIrIm (KIrImlI)Crimea (a Crimean person/thing)Also see
further information on CD.
kIrmIzI bereliler[the] 'red' beretsHighly-trained British paratoopers...
continentAvrupa KItasI, the European Continent
Amerika KItasI, the American Continent
Afrika KItasI, the African Continent
[the] Red Sea 
KIzIlaySimilar to the 'Red Cross' charitable organization, but serves in Muslim countries... 
KIzIlhaç[the] 'Red Cross' charitable organization 
kIzIlötesi sensörinfra-red sensor 
kimlikidentification card 
kimyasal silahlar chemical weapons 
[Kuzey KIbrIs Türk Cumhuriyeti]
Ed. 6.0
Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic
[which is under Turkish influence]
koalisyon[a] coalition 
Kodori GeçidiThe Kodori Pass
[in Abkhazia]
KölnCologne [Germany] 
bay, gulf, inlet 
Körfez SavasI
[the] Gulf War 
sk[the Turkish] "White House"The building complex where the
Turkish CumhurbaskanI lives and works...
kral, kraliçeking, queenÜrdün KralI Abdullah;
[the] Jordan King Abdullah
Kral Abdullah; King Abdullah
kruvzörcruiser (warship) 
Kuetta [or Keta]Quetta [Pakistan] 
kumanda ve kontrol merkezicommand and control center 
kutup, kutuplar
pole, polar regions 
Kuveyt (Kuveytli, Arapça)
Kuwait (a Kuwati person/thing, the language of Kuwait [Arabic]) 
Kuzey Africa
North Africa 
[Afgan] Kuzey ittifak
[the Afghan] Northern AllianceAn anti-Taliban military alliance...
Kuzey Kutbu
North Pole [the center of the Arctic region] 
Küba (KübalI, ispanyolca)Cuba (Cuban, the language of Cuba [Spanish]) 
Kürt (Kürtçe)[a] Kurd,
[a] Kurdish [person/thing],
(the Kurdish language)

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Laos (Laoslu, Lao Dili/FransIzca)
Laos (a Laotian person/thing, the languages of Laos [Laotion/French]) 
lazer güdümlülaser-guidedlazer güdümlü bombasI; laser-guided bomb
[the Turkish name]
[the Greek name]
The divided
capital city of Cyprus.
Lehistan[old name for] Polonya 
Londra London [England] 
Lübnan (LübnanlI, Arapça/FransIzca/ingilizce)
Lebanon (a Lebanese person/thing, the languages of the Lebanon [Arabic (official)/French/English]) 
Lüksemburg (Lüksemburglu, Almanca, FransIzca, Lelzeburg Lechçesi)Luxembourg (a person/thing from Luxembourg, the languages of Luxembourg [German, French, Letzeburgesch])An original member country of the Benelux Economic Union (1944), which linked its economic life with that of The Netherlands and of Belgium and would subsequently form the core of the European Community (EC), which evolved into the European Union (EU).66

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Macaristan (Macaristan or MacristanlI, Macarca)
Hungary (a Hungarian person/thing, the Hungarian language) 
magara savasIcave warfareSee following
'Black Comedy' Cartoon...
'Black Comedy' Cartoon

The sign over the terrorists' hiding-place says "Twin Caves".
[a 'thinly' veiled reference to the World Trade Center's "Twin Towers"]

Thanks to 'Bülent çiziyor'
Hürriyet Gazetesi
9 October 2001

mahkemelaw court, trial, legal hearing 
Makedonya (Makedon, MakedoncaMacedonia (a Macedonian person/thing, the Macedonian language) 
Malezya (MalezyalI, Malayca)
Malaysia (a Malaysian person/thing, the language of Malaysia) 
MançuryaManchuriaThe historical region of northeastern China. The Chinese call Manchuria the Northeast Provinces, or more simply, the Northeast.
Mans Denizi
La Manche or
[the] English Channel
parliamentTürk Büyük Millet
Meclisi (TBMM)
[the] Turkish Parliament
MedineMedina [Saudi Arabia] 
MekkeMecca [Saudi Arabia] 
Meksika (MeksikalI, ispanyolca)
Mexico (Mexican, the language of Mexico [Spanish]) 
Mezar-I SerifMazar-e Sharif
[city in north-central Afghanistan]
MIsIr (MIsIrlI, Arapça)Egypt (an Eygyptian person/thing, the language of Egypt [Arabic]) 
Midilli AdasI
[the Greek] island of Lesbos 
milyar[a] billion 
milyon[a] million 
Mongolistan (Mogul, Mogolca)
Mongolia (a Mongolian person/thing, the Mongolian language) 
  1. Peloponnese
    [peninsula of southern modern Greece]
  2. Morea
    [Medieval name]
Site of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) -- between Athens and Sparta with her allies, won by Sparta. won
Moscow [Russia] 
  1. [a] Muslim
  2. Muslim, Islamic
müttefikally, alliedMüttefik Devletler;
the Allied Powers
[in WW II]
Myanmar (MyanmarlI, Birmanca)
Myanmar [formerly Burma] (a person/thing from Myanmar, the language of Myanmar) 

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nötron bombaneutron bomb 
nükleer denizaltInuclear submarine 
nükleer silahlar
nuclear weapons 
nükleer tehdit
nuclear threat 

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Orta Afrika
Central Africa 
Orta Amerika
Central America 
Orta Asya
Central Asia 
Orta Dogu
[the] Middle East 

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Özbekistan (Özbek, Özbekçe)
Uzbekistan (an Uzbek person/thing, the Uzbek language) 

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Pakistan (PakistanlI, Urdu, ingilize)
Pakistan (a Pakistani person/thing, the languages of Pakistan [Urdu, English]) 
Pamir [Daglar]
also called
[Mountain Range]
A highland region of Central Asia. Most of the Pamirs lie within Tajikistan, but the fringes penetrate Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and Kyrgyzstan. The core is situated in the highlands of Tajikistan with the highest mountains in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous province.66
Papua Yeni Gine (Yeni Ginili, ingilize, Tok Pisin, Hiri, Police, Motu)Papua New Guinea (a person/thing from Papua New Guinea, the languages on Papua New Guinea [English, Tok Pisin, Hiri, Police, Motu])The independent state of Papua New Guinea is an island country in the southwest Pacific Ocean, encompassing the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and a chain of tropical islands (including the Bismarck Archipelago and Bougainville). The capital is Port Moresby. Papua New Guinea is bounded on the west by Indonesia's half of the island (Irian Jaya) and on the north by the Pacific Ocean, on the east by the Pacific and the Solomon Sea, and on the south by the Coral Sea and Torres Strait, which separates the island from Australia. New Guinea was the site of early allied land force victories in the WW II (under command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur) -- which helped to turn the tide against Japanese forces.66

In the News: 7 October 2001, Earthquake, 6.2 on the Richter Scale.

Pasifik Okyanusu
[the] Pacific OceanSee also Büyük Okyanus.
[a] military general or admiral 
Pensir Vade[the] Panshir Valley [Afghanistan]A strategically important valley (in wartime) -- about 25km north of Kabul.
[a city in Afghanistan]
PolonyaPolandPreviously called Lehistan.
PragPrague [Czechoslovakia] 

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rekolteharvest, crop 
restultimatumrest çekmek;
to make an ultimatum
[the Greek] island of Rhodes  
ruhani liderispiritual leader 
Rusya (Rus, Rusça)Russia (a Russian person/thing, the Russian language) 

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saat dilimi
time zone 
SakIz AdasI
[the Greek] island of Chios 
savas (savasçIwar (fighter, warrior)savas ilanI;
declaration of war

savas suçlarI;
war crimes

savas tutsagI;
prisoner of war

savcI public prosecutor, attorney general, district attorney 
Savunma BakanI Minister of Defense 
SIrbistan (SIrp, SIrpça)Serbia (a Serbian person/thing, the Serbian language) 
'sIgInak delen' bombasI'bunker buster' bomblazer güdümlü 'sIgInak delen' bombasI; laser-guided 'bunker buster' bomb

Such bombs can puncture up to 6 meters of cement (or up to 30 meters of earth) before exploding.

In the News: 11 October 2001... Originally developed during the Gulf War, this bomb was first used against Taliban and al Qaida deep-cover troops and materiel in Afghanistan on this date.

SibiryaSiberia [Russia] 
silah(lar) weapon(s)silahlI kuvvetleri;
the armed forces
Singapur (Singapurlu, Malay dili, Çince, Tamil dili, ingilizce)Singapore (a person/thing from Singapore, the languages of Singapore [Malay, Chinese, Tamil, English]) 
Sisam AdasI
[the Greek] island of SamosBirthplace of Pythagoras -- the philosopher, mathematician.
siyaset (siyasetçi)
politics (politician) 
Soguk Savas
[the] Cold War 
Sonsuz Özgürlük HarekâtI or
Sonsuz Özgürlük Operasyonu
Operation 'Enduring Freedom'

See also
Operation 'Infinite Justice'...

The name of the military-side of the 'War on Terrorism'...

Sovyetler Birligi, (Soyetler)the Soviet Union
(the Soviets)
See also Rusya.
sözcüsüspokespersonBeyaz Saray Sözcüsu Ali Fleischer;
White House Spokesperson Ali Fleischer
Sudan (SudanlI, Arapça)Sudan (a Sudanese person/thing, the language of Sudan [Arabic]) 
Suriye (Suriyeli, Arapça)
Syria (a Syrian person/thing, the language of Syria [Arabic]) 
  • assassination
  • assassination attempt/plot
suikastta bulunmak;
to assassinate, to attempt/conspire to assassinate

suicastçI; assassin

Suudi Arabistan (Suudi ArabistanlI, Arapça)
Saudi Arabia (a Saudi Arabian person/thing, the language of Saudi Arabia [Arabic]) 
Süveys KanalI
[the] Suez Canal 

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Ed. 6.0
Damascus [Syria] 
SanghayShanghai [China] 
sarbonanthraxA deadly disease of sheep and cattle transferrable to humans.
seriat[the] Shari'a, Islamic law, canon lawLaw that is laid down in the Holy Koran.
Sili (Silili, ispanyolca)
Chile (a Chilean person/thing, the language of Chile [Spanish]) 

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taarruz uçagIattack aircraft 
Tacikistan (Tacik, Tacikçe, Özbekçe, Rusça)Tajikistan (a Tajik person/thing, the languages of Tajikistan [Tajik, Uzbek, Russian]) 
takiye/takiyyeThe [Islamic] principle that deception is an acceptable practice in certain circumstances, if one's religious beliefs are endangered. For example, the Taliban's duplicity concerning the whereabouts of Osama bin Ladin after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 is 'acceptable practice' according to this principle.
[the capital city of Uzbekistan]
Tayland (TaylandlI, Tay Dili)
Thailand (a person/thing from Thailand, the Thai language) 
temsilci [a] representativeABD Temsilciler Meclisi;
United States House of Representives
terörist (terörizm)terrorist (terrorism)  
tugay[a military] brigade
55'inci TugayI
[the Taliban's] 55th Brigade

In the News: 16 October 2001, The Taliban's elite 55th Brigade, made up of volunteers from Pakistan and the Arab countries -- has been targeted for defeat by the allied military forces of the 'War on Terrorism' coalition...)

Türkiye (Türk, Türkçe)Turkey (a Turkish person/thing, the Turkish language) 
Türkmenistan (Türkmen, Türkmençe) Turkmenistan (a Turkmen person/thing, the Turkmen language) 

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uçak gemisi[an] aircraft carrier 
Ukrayna (UkraynalI, Ukraynca)
Ukraine (a Ukrainian person/thing, the Ukrainian language) 
ulema [a council of] Muslim theologians and scholars  
ulus (ulusal)nation (national) 
uluslararasIinternationalUluslararasI Olimpiyat Komitesi; International Olympic Committee
UluslararasI Para Fon (UPF)the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 
Umman (UmmanlI, Arapça)
Oman (an Omani person/thing, the language of Oman [Arabic]) 
Umman Denizi
[the] Arabian Sea 
Umman Körfezi
[the] Gulf of Oman 
Usame bin Ladin
Osama bin Ladin'Mastermind' of the al Qaida terrorist organization.
uyusturucu[illegal] drugs 
uzak dogu[the] far east 

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üçüncü dünya ülkelerithird world countries 
Ürdün (Ürdünlü, Arapça)
Jordan (a Jordanian person/thing, the language of Jordan [Arabic]) 

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VarsovaWarsaw [Poland] 
vatan (vatandas)one's native country (citizen, fellow citizen)Önce vatan...
Country first...
[a motto, frequently displayed publically in Turkey]
vergi(ler) tax(es) 
Vietnam (VietnamlI, Vietnamca)
Vietnam (a Vietnamese person/thing, the Vietnamese language) 
Ed. 5 rev 1

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Jew, JewishSee also Israil.
yakIt ikmalIfuel supply 
yardIm paketiaid package 
YargItaySupreme Court 
YargItay BaskanIChief Justice of the Supreme Court 
[a] hemisphere 
Yeni Delhi
New Delhi [India] 
Yeni Zelanda (Yeni ZealandlI, ingilzce/Maori Dili)
New Zealand (a person/thing from New Zealand, the languages of New Zealand [English/Maori]) 
Yunanistan (Yunan or YunanlI, Yunanca)Greece (a Greek person/thing, the Greek language) 
yüzdepercent; percentage 

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  1. an increase in the price of something
  2. an increase in one's salary
zanlI[a] suspect, [the] accusedbas zanlIsI;
[the] primary suspect
zarar[a commercial] loss 
zenginlikwealth, riches 
Zimbabve (Zimbabveli, ingilzce)
Zimbabwe (a person/thing from Zimbabwe, the language of Zimbabwe [English])In the News: 16 October 2001, President Mugabe forces price controls on certain commodities, declares in favor of a return to pure Socialist government.
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