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LPT Symbol Turkish Language Pop Quiz

Language questions from Turkish College Entrance Exams -- with the answers!
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Pop Quiz -- figure of speech whats new
Pop Quiz -- word meaning, "exactly, perfectly"whats new
Pop Quiz -- about Proverbs
Pop Quiz -- about confused expression
Pop Quiz -- about punctuation, period
Pop Quiz -- closest word meaningwhats new
More to come...

These are real Questions from The Turkish ÖSS and ÖYS College Entrance Exams.
The Turkish exams are very similar in kind and function to the American SAT College Entrance Exams.

The approximate English translations of the Questions and Answers are provided
with a heading in this color
at the bottom of each boxed Q & A set.

About Proverbs...
Õrnek (ÖYS 1997)
AsagIdaki atasözlerinden hangisi anlamca birlikte verilen tutum ya da davranIsla uyusmaz?
  1. Her iste bir hayIr vardIr.
    "Iyimser olma" demek.
  2. Gül dikensiz, sefa cefasIz olmaz.
    "SIkIntIlara katlanma" demek.
  3. SaglIk istersen çok yeme, saygI istersen çok deme.
    "Ölçülü davranma" demek.
  4. Bos fIçI çok langIrdar.
    "Bilgiçlik taslama" demek.
  5. Bin tasa bir borç ödemez.
    "Kusku duyma" demek.

Sample Question (From the 1997 ÖYS Exam)

In the following proverbs which one doesn't agree reasonably well with the meaning of it's accompanying phrase (in green)?
  1. There is value in every labor.
    It means, "Be optimistic".
  2. A rose without thorn, pleasure without pain -- are impossible.
    It means, "[One must] endure trouble and worry".
  3. If you want health, don't eat too much; if you want respect, don't talk too much.
    It means, "Behave prudently".
  4. An empty barrel makes a lot of noise.
    It means, "[One who] tries to pass oneself off as a scholar".
  5. One thousand worries doesn't pay one debt.
    It means, "[One who is] acting suspiciously".

Soldaki seçeneklerde atasözlerinin öz anlamlarI, öz mesajlarI karsIlarInda sIralanmIstIr. Bunlardan (1), (2), (3) ve (4) dogrudur. (5)'de verilen "Bin tasa bir borç ödemez." atasözünün öz anlamI "Sadece üzülmek, kaygIlanmak sorunlarI çözmeye yetmez." sekilinde açIklanabilir. Verilen kIsa açIklama buna uygun olmalIdIr. Oysa, seçenekte bu atasözùnùn karsIlIgI "kusku duyma" seklinde yanlIs verilmistir. Cevap (5) dir.

In the choices on the left, the meanings of the proverbs are matched with a [short explanatory] phrase. Of these (1), (2), (3), and (4) are correctly matched. In (5), "One thousand worries doesn't pay one debt," the correct meaning [of the proverb] can be expressed as, "It's not enough to solve problems just by being sorry and by worrying." The short explanatory phrase should suit that [meaning]. But in the choice, the phrase "acting suspiciously" doesn't match the proverb and is incorrect. The answer [therefore] is (5).

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About confused expression...
Õrnek (ÖSS 1996)
Bu cümleye bakIn:
Elbette onunla birlikte gitmis olabilirler.

Bu cümledeki anlatIm bozuklugunun nedeni asagIdakilerden hangisidir?

  1. Õge eksikligi
  2. Özne yüklem uyusmazlIgI
  3. Öznenin belirtilmemis olmasI
  4. AynI anlama gelen sözcüklerin birlikte kullanIlmasI
  5. Anlamca çelisen sözcüklerin birlikte kullanIlmasI

Sample Question (from the 1996 ÖSS Exam)

Look at this [following] sentence;
Certainly they might have gone together with her.

Which of the [choices] below [best explains] the reason for the confused expression in this sentence?

  1. [There is a] missing [sentence] component.
  2. The predicate is in conflict with the subject [of the sentence].
  3. The subject [of the sentence] is unclear.
  4. Words with identical meaning are used together [in the sentence].
  5. Words with contradictory meaning are used together [in the sentence].

Soldaki cümkede anlatIm bozuklugunun nedeni "(5) Anlamca çelisen sözcüklerin birlikte kullanIlmasI" dir. AynI cümle içinde kesinlik bildiren "elbette" ile ihtimal bildiren "olabilirler" sözü birlikte kullanIlmaz. Cevap (5) dir.

In the sentence on the left, the reason for the confused expression is,"Words with contradictory meaning are used together [in the sentence]". One shouldn't use the word "certainly" expressing definiteness in the same sentence with the [phrase] "they might have gone" expressing probability. The answer [therefore] is (5).

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About punctuation, period...
Õrnek (ÖYS 1996)
AsagIdaki parçada numaralanmIs yerlerin hangisine nokta (.) getirilemez?

Kardelenler açmIs karI görmeden (I) Birini koparIp yakama takmak istedim, içim elvermedi (II) Kara topraklar üstünde ak kardelenler (III) Oysa onlar ak karIn üstünde yükselmeliydi (IV) Toprakta kar degil, kar suyu bile yok (V)
  1. I.
  2. II.
  3. III.
  4. IV.
  5. V.

Sample Question (from the 1996 ÖYS Exam)

In the excerpt below, in which of the numbered places [shown with Roman numerals] should a period (.) not be placed?

They say snowdrop [flowers] open before one sees [any] snow (I) I wanted to pick one and attach it to my collar, but I couldn't get in the spirit of it (II) On the dark ground white snowdrop flowers (III) Yet, they are supposed to rise [above] the white snow (IV) There isn't [any] snow on the ground, there isn't even [any] melting snow (V)

  1. I.
  2. II.
  3. III.
  4. IV.
  5. V.

Nokta (.) isaretinin kullanIlIs yerlerinden biri de bitmis cümlelerin sonudur. Soldaki cümlelere baktIgImIzda (I), (II), (IV), ve (V) numaralI cümlelerin tam birer cümle oldugunu görüyoruz. Bu cümlelerin sonuna nokta (.) getirmek dogru olur. Oysa (III) numaralI cümle yüklemsiz, eksiltili cümledir ve sonuna nokta getirilmez. Cevap (3) dir.

One of the places to use a period (.) is at the end of a completed sentence. When we look at the sentences [in the excerpt] on the left, we see a complete sentence for each of the sentences numbered (I), (II), (IV), and (V). It is correct to place a period (.) at the end of these sentences. But sentence (III) doesn't have a predicate, it is an incomplete sentence and it can't have a period at the end. The answer [therefore] is (3).

Thanks to the Turkish magazine, Ay -- Test, for gathering the Turkish-language Test Questions/Answers...

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